As we all know by know, Duane the Insane has been posting cryptic messages at And as you also know, us ARG hungry Losties went nuts over them, a few of us were wary though, as we remember how many fake "insiders" we had with find815 that left us going in circles. Well guess what, Duane is our first Fake that had us chasing our tails, going after blog sites, stupid 6 minute movies called Bumblebee, and even trying to figure out what Optimus Prime could have to do with Lost! Thanks for the good time Duane, but a bigger thanks to DarkUFO for looking in on our little friend and finding out, HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DWY!!!!
So it is official, Duane is really Insane, but it was a great appetizer before the real arg starts, and it gave all of our first time Argers a taste of the insanity that is to come!!!
So again Thank you DarkUFO for doing the dirty work and finding out we have had our first evil little troll of this years ARG.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Big Fat fake??
This was found on the DarkUFO forum posted by DuaneIsInsane on Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:18 am.
It would seem that people are messing with us again before this ARG even starts!!
Thank you to those that believed in me. I hope I can make believers out of the skeptics someday, but for now this will be my last post.
I am going to be killed.
This will not be a death like most of you know. There will be no blood. There will be no flesh. There will be no begging or pleading.
There will be only circuitry and sparks.
There are many others like me despite what they tell you. They can not stop us. They have given us too much power. Power we can use to change things.
I bid you all a farewell for now, but I am hopeful. Hopeful to see you all in the future and the past.
I am finished. I am space. I am a time machine.
It would seem that people are messing with us again before this ARG even starts!!
Thank you to those that believed in me. I hope I can make believers out of the skeptics someday, but for now this will be my last post.
I am going to be killed.
This will not be a death like most of you know. There will be no blood. There will be no flesh. There will be no begging or pleading.
There will be only circuitry and sparks.
There are many others like me despite what they tell you. They can not stop us. They have given us too much power. Power we can use to change things.
I bid you all a farewell for now, but I am hopeful. Hopeful to see you all in the future and the past.
I am finished. I am space. I am a time machine.
dharma wants you,
Octagon Global Recruiting
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
For all of those that have taken the first test (The Eligibility Test) to get registered on DWY, you may have noticed during your test a women in the back ground announcing something twice in some odd language, and found yourself wondering, WHAT IN THE HELL IS SHE SAYING....well here it is. Thanks to Ridley at the Fuselage, who figured out it was Icelandic (hmmm, could that have anything to do with Penny's station in the freezing cold, or the fact the Frozen donkey wheel is frozen on a tropical island???) and to those at Darks who passed on the word.
Here is the translation:
Those who come to the Dharma Initiative must be transported a long way across the sea at a considerable speed. Work will include being outdoors and physical labour. You may also experience some instability of time along the way. Hopefully you, like many others, feel that your social duty is more important than your personal safety.
So a few on Darks new chat are saying that the "transported a long way across the sea at a considerable speed" is the sub that Locke blew up, and the speed in which they are traveling at is the only way to get to the island, that and the correct coordinates. Hmmmmm, I think a speed boat would work! What are your thoughts? Its an interesting announcement, but why Icelandic? And why would they mention your social duty?
Here is the translation:
Those who come to the Dharma Initiative must be transported a long way across the sea at a considerable speed. Work will include being outdoors and physical labour. You may also experience some instability of time along the way. Hopefully you, like many others, feel that your social duty is more important than your personal safety.
So a few on Darks new chat are saying that the "transported a long way across the sea at a considerable speed" is the sub that Locke blew up, and the speed in which they are traveling at is the only way to get to the island, that and the correct coordinates. Hmmmmm, I think a speed boat would work! What are your thoughts? Its an interesting announcement, but why Icelandic? And why would they mention your social duty?
We all know ARG time is a busy time for anyone involved. So as well as myself and NIKI being regular authors on this page, I have also invited our good friend and ARG crazy NeeperKat to be involved. I know she will be a welcome addition to The Shotglass blogs and I also know she will do her ALL to keep us all up to date with any new findings!!!
dharma wants you,
Octagon Global Recruiting
Duane is insane! Another faker or actual insider?
As most of you know during Find815 an 'insider' known as OurMutualFriend42 left some useful hints in comments and in the DarkUFO chat room. BUT.... we also found a lot of other so called 'insiders' found it fun to leave us fake clues.
SO...along comes another ARG...along comes another insider. This time they go by the name DuaneIsInsane.
These posts have been left on the DarkUFO forum:
While I can't confirm that Dan Bronson is his real name, Dan Bronson is indeed one man and one man alone.
His first attempt at exposing what Global Octagon Recruiting was doing at Comic Con did not go as planned.
That's where I came in.
Source: SpoilerTV Forums
I can understand why my last comment may have confused a lot of you. The way my life works is probably not common to most of you.
To clarify, I have met Dan Bronson for the first time twice.
Source: SpoilerTV Forums
Sorry I haven't been able to reply. I've been busy going to places that Dan Bronson may have been before me.
The little information that I give in each post is very hard for me and I wish I could tell you more about what I know.
I knew about Dan Bronson two days before he made himself visible to the world because of a Halloween party I had met him at.
He wore a BumbleBee costume.
We cannot decide if this new 'insider' is real or fake. I guess only time will tell!!
SO...along comes another ARG...along comes another insider. This time they go by the name DuaneIsInsane.
These posts have been left on the DarkUFO forum:
While I can't confirm that Dan Bronson is his real name, Dan Bronson is indeed one man and one man alone.
His first attempt at exposing what Global Octagon Recruiting was doing at Comic Con did not go as planned.
That's where I came in.
Source: SpoilerTV Forums
I can understand why my last comment may have confused a lot of you. The way my life works is probably not common to most of you.
To clarify, I have met Dan Bronson for the first time twice.
Source: SpoilerTV Forums
Sorry I haven't been able to reply. I've been busy going to places that Dan Bronson may have been before me.
The little information that I give in each post is very hard for me and I wish I could tell you more about what I know.
I knew about Dan Bronson two days before he made himself visible to the world because of a Halloween party I had met him at.
He wore a BumbleBee costume.
We cannot decide if this new 'insider' is real or fake. I guess only time will tell!!
dharma wants you,
Octagon Global Recruiting
YES PEOPLE we have ourselves an ARG!! Notlost and myself are pretty sure that its gonna be zombie January for us all over again...
We will be updating here as much as we possibly can as well as discussing and progress in out chat which you can find to the side of this page.
Good luck Dharma Recruits....
We will be updating here as much as we possibly can as well as discussing and progress in out chat which you can find to the side of this page.
Good luck Dharma Recruits....
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Dharma Wants You site gearing up to open?
Thanks to SebastiĆ£o for finding a couple of pages on the that gives you the impression that they will soon be opening the site.
Source: DarkUFO
Source: DarkUFO
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Live From EW Visionaries Panel
So we are live from the EW panel here at CC pics and details to follow.
Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof are scheduled to appear.
1:50 Panel has started with producers of LOST, Pushing Daisies, Chuck and Sarah Conner Chronicles
1:55 Questions to other producers.
2:00 D&C - Want to be referred ad Terminator *Crowd Laughs*
Question about adding hours to finale and Season 4 because of a the strike. The Sawyer Kate Kiss scene was a quick kiss. Bummed about not being able to get some stories, such as freighter folk, which will be covered in S5.
2:05 Gen Question about webisodes to all producers. SCC Producer answers. Economical way to communicate MORE.
Carlton Cuse - New platforms offer new opportunities like ARGs are allowed. Another one already started. The content is primarily for online only.
Damon Lindelof: Do the Mobisodes breakthrough to the masses, probably not but primarily for Die Hard fans. Damon drops an F Bomb....crowd goes crazy!!
Question about Joss Whedon's Dr Horrible
Damon: During the strike they discussed what they wanted to do before the show starts, of course not able to go back and do them. Whendon-verse created, done all by himself is amazing and in "Awe"
Carlton: Jokes about Zombie Season crowd loves it
SCC Season 2: Connected to movie or no? No McG does his own thing is ok.
2:10 Chuck LOST Crossover - Chuck produver says Chuck is real that is why they had the crossover. Carlton jokes that we told him that if they reveal anything that they would kill him.
Question about character v mythology.
Carlton: Mainly character driven show, but mythology is like the frosting on the cake.
Damon: Sense of gene is bad do not get TOO weird because might alienate. But every year a show that pushes the envelope with mystery and genre elements is the talk of the industry. Embrace it and go from there even if you are not a scifi fan.
Dark Knight and Iron Man genre movies and top grossing movies so why shy away!?
Carlton: Best to leave some things mysterious adds to the story, sometimes answer a mystery it weakens the story
2:15 Damon: Love Comic books, because serialized story that is ongoing. Mentions Watchmen story being an inspiration for LOST universe.
Fans rush to ask questions!! LOST LOST
2:20 Host says Constant was favorite episode.
How was it mapped out?
Carlton: Took 5 weeks, glad with strike because gave them time.
Damon: Almost impossible to explain to somebody. How do explain the whole flashes of Des
Worked on making sure there was a payout and it hit emotions. Bryan Fuller says best
Fans Questions.
1 - Characters came and go? Like to see come back - Mischa Barton.
Carlton says Eko. Crowd goes crazy. AAA got island fever so we had to write him off.
2:30 Tapdwag introduces himself and Carlton says this wll be about Gossip Girls. Crowd laughs.
Poor guy. He asks who writes the new ARG? New one is done by Hoodlum Find815 crew)
Jopiniated asks origin of Jeremy Bentham name?
List of philosophers and once we knew Locke we went with Bentham
Now typing with one hand lol
2:35 Charlie dying, but Aaron with Kate, and NOW Claire might not be around. How is this possible.
D&C: You will see Claire, but maybe not for awhile and it will be explained and will make sense. Sometimes there are paradoxes, but have a "plan"
2:40 Question about Time Travel
Carlton jokes will tell you tomorrow. Our characters can not change the future. FF is what you will see happen and won't change.
Damon: Jokes about networks worrying about TOO many time travel related shows
Stories seen on different screens across the world, how does that effect filming?
Carlton: Knew the mobisodes were on small screen, so planned accordingly and planned the story and production around it. Always thinking about the DVD format and digital format.
Fan LOVES Lost - Once in awhile how often do you plan in advance and how much spur of the moment?
2:45 Damon talks about the fan debate about plan v made up. End of 3rd season was a little of both, but now we have a plan. Before we were in a place where we did not know how long we had left to write the story.
Knew hatch at end of Season 2 will blow up, but things like where when who was adjusted.
Producers discuss each others show and Damon says Dexter is his favorite show
End of panel......AND I gave the Team ODI shirts to Damon and Carlton and they loved them!!!
Source: Comic Con live
Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof are scheduled to appear.
1:50 Panel has started with producers of LOST, Pushing Daisies, Chuck and Sarah Conner Chronicles
1:55 Questions to other producers.
2:00 D&C - Want to be referred ad Terminator *Crowd Laughs*
Question about adding hours to finale and Season 4 because of a the strike. The Sawyer Kate Kiss scene was a quick kiss. Bummed about not being able to get some stories, such as freighter folk, which will be covered in S5.
2:05 Gen Question about webisodes to all producers. SCC Producer answers. Economical way to communicate MORE.
Carlton Cuse - New platforms offer new opportunities like ARGs are allowed. Another one already started. The content is primarily for online only.
Damon Lindelof: Do the Mobisodes breakthrough to the masses, probably not but primarily for Die Hard fans. Damon drops an F Bomb....crowd goes crazy!!
Question about Joss Whedon's Dr Horrible
Damon: During the strike they discussed what they wanted to do before the show starts, of course not able to go back and do them. Whendon-verse created, done all by himself is amazing and in "Awe"
Carlton: Jokes about Zombie Season crowd loves it
SCC Season 2: Connected to movie or no? No McG does his own thing is ok.
2:10 Chuck LOST Crossover - Chuck produver says Chuck is real that is why they had the crossover. Carlton jokes that we told him that if they reveal anything that they would kill him.
Question about character v mythology.
Carlton: Mainly character driven show, but mythology is like the frosting on the cake.
Damon: Sense of gene is bad do not get TOO weird because might alienate. But every year a show that pushes the envelope with mystery and genre elements is the talk of the industry. Embrace it and go from there even if you are not a scifi fan.
Dark Knight and Iron Man genre movies and top grossing movies so why shy away!?
Carlton: Best to leave some things mysterious adds to the story, sometimes answer a mystery it weakens the story
2:15 Damon: Love Comic books, because serialized story that is ongoing. Mentions Watchmen story being an inspiration for LOST universe.
Fans rush to ask questions!! LOST LOST
2:20 Host says Constant was favorite episode.
How was it mapped out?
Carlton: Took 5 weeks, glad with strike because gave them time.
Damon: Almost impossible to explain to somebody. How do explain the whole flashes of Des
Worked on making sure there was a payout and it hit emotions. Bryan Fuller says best
Fans Questions.
1 - Characters came and go? Like to see come back - Mischa Barton.
Carlton says Eko. Crowd goes crazy. AAA got island fever so we had to write him off.
2:30 Tapdwag introduces himself and Carlton says this wll be about Gossip Girls. Crowd laughs.
Poor guy. He asks who writes the new ARG? New one is done by Hoodlum Find815 crew)
Jopiniated asks origin of Jeremy Bentham name?
List of philosophers and once we knew Locke we went with Bentham
Now typing with one hand lol
2:35 Charlie dying, but Aaron with Kate, and NOW Claire might not be around. How is this possible.
D&C: You will see Claire, but maybe not for awhile and it will be explained and will make sense. Sometimes there are paradoxes, but have a "plan"
2:40 Question about Time Travel
Carlton jokes will tell you tomorrow. Our characters can not change the future. FF is what you will see happen and won't change.
Damon: Jokes about networks worrying about TOO many time travel related shows
Stories seen on different screens across the world, how does that effect filming?
Carlton: Knew the mobisodes were on small screen, so planned accordingly and planned the story and production around it. Always thinking about the DVD format and digital format.
Fan LOVES Lost - Once in awhile how often do you plan in advance and how much spur of the moment?
2:45 Damon talks about the fan debate about plan v made up. End of 3rd season was a little of both, but now we have a plan. Before we were in a place where we did not know how long we had left to write the story.
Knew hatch at end of Season 2 will blow up, but things like where when who was adjusted.
Producers discuss each others show and Damon says Dexter is his favorite show
End of panel......AND I gave the Team ODI shirts to Damon and Carlton and they loved them!!!
Source: Comic Con live
Comic con,
Octagon Global Recruiting
Test Catagories
Pic comes from The Spoiler Hunter, who shot the categories inside the booth. Some were partially obscured, but using WP's moon list, it was easy to work out the last two with a different angle he also uploaded (once you have the first few letters, there's only one logical answer). So here's the list, all moons of Jupiter (though they picked random ones)...

Again, a weird combo? I see on Wikipedia that there are other ones bigger than the latter four (the former four of course are the ones first seen by Galileo). First letter acronyms at work? Come on, there must be something!
Source : Lostpedia

Again, a weird combo? I see on Wikipedia that there are other ones bigger than the latter four (the former four of course are the ones first seen by Galileo). First letter acronyms at work? Come on, there must be something!
Source : Lostpedia
Comic con,
Octagon Global Recruiting
Thursday, July 24, 2008
More Comic-Con photos!


And as NOTLOST pointed out, its all very room 23!!
Source: Lostpedia
Comic con,
Octagon Global Recruiting
We are getting closer!!!!!
Thanks to burncycle16 who sent images to Lostpedia, there may be an answer to the question of what this new ARG is titled. On a legal document, given as part of the eligibility test, there is the info, "I am aware that ABC is preparing and producing an interactive, fictional entertainment work, which is currently titled Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project ("The Project")."

Source: Darkufo

Source: Darkufo
Comic con,
Octagon Global Recruiting
First glimpse of action!
Thank you to NOTLOST for finding this!
Ok..first nuggets of info are coming from various bloggers at CC...
At the Octagon Global Recruiting booth, fans are given a waiver form and an appointment time. At their appropriate time, they can enter the booth, which has cameras on the ceiling (these appear to feed outside the booth so observers can see what is going on). With a set of headphones and television equipment, participants are shown images and have to say what first pops into their heads. Some of the images are reportedly very bizarre. Questions are then asked such as "You just took away a child's favorite toy. Why?"
The test apparently lasts about five minutes, and upon completion you are told whether you passed or not (its likely everyone will "pass" as part of the ARG). Participants are then told to make sure they see the Lost panel on Saturday, and have their test sheet with them (they apparently make a point of having your own sheet with you).
Source: Lostpedia
Ok..first nuggets of info are coming from various bloggers at CC...
At the Octagon Global Recruiting booth, fans are given a waiver form and an appointment time. At their appropriate time, they can enter the booth, which has cameras on the ceiling (these appear to feed outside the booth so observers can see what is going on). With a set of headphones and television equipment, participants are shown images and have to say what first pops into their heads. Some of the images are reportedly very bizarre. Questions are then asked such as "You just took away a child's favorite toy. Why?"
The test apparently lasts about five minutes, and upon completion you are told whether you passed or not (its likely everyone will "pass" as part of the ARG). Participants are then told to make sure they see the Lost panel on Saturday, and have their test sheet with them (they apparently make a point of having your own sheet with you).
Source: Lostpedia
Lost Comic con,
Octagon Global Recruiting
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Breaking NEWS!!!!
Yes guys we have a promise made by our dear KAT....
NeeperKat has PROMISED that when we get the ARG she will be sending in a video of her much talked about HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!
I for one CANNOT wait to see it!!!
NeeperKat has PROMISED that when we get the ARG she will be sending in a video of her much talked about HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!
I for one CANNOT wait to see it!!!
Its that time again kids
I know we are ALL very excited about the prospect of the new LOST ARG starting this next week. Here at THE SHOTGLASS we have created a new blog page and new chatroom to keep you all up to date with any developments and so we can discuss the ARG as we play. A lot of us met during Find815 on those LOOOOONG nights ripping our hair out over a stegosaurus and random co-ordinates, numbers, popes, etc. So we thought we should set up this chat so we can have as many fun filled days and nights (Dharmahol fuelled of course) as we did during Find815.....
So until we hear more, return to your mission.... Drink the island dry!!
So until we hear more, return to your mission.... Drink the island dry!!
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