Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Something coming.....

So the middle of the Dharma Symbol on DWY has finally changed, first to the odd letters and weird static, and now it seems as though maybe our first test is coming. It now reads "Currently Conducting Security Upgrade" which means either they are getting ready to FINALLY put the test up, or its just another thing to keep us waiting for another week. I remember reading that we would be taking tests every week, but that seems like an eternity ago. It is still there under What is this! "Each week audience members will have the opportunity to complete a test that assesses their abilities in a particular skill." I guess they meant in each week, in LOST time!!!!
To see the new picture either go log on like I know we have all done daily, or click on the link below!!! I promise I will learn how to put pictures up soon!!!!



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