Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What is the hold up???

For all of you who is just as impatient as I am, we all wanted an update by now. They opened DWY last Monday at 10:34 Central time, so why has there been nothing else to come along with the site??? I am trying to figure it out, but of course every time I try to contact Hoodlum in Beverly Hills (SNOBS, watch out for Ericka the receptionist, she is a BIATCH) they transfer me to the damn Australia office, DUH, if I am calling you and they are not open, don't transfer me. I will not give up trying to figure out what is going on, if you will not give up and keep waiting. I know it's hard, TRUST ME!!!
Unfortunately until I can get a plane ticket and threaten his IT guy, MAS13 will not be able to do the arg with us at work, so what I am asking is anyone who can do screen caps or has a LOT more knowledge with computers help us out so we can put the play by play (in Flickr, most of us can't do photshop or Photobucket or any of the fancy ones out there) up for MAS13 and all others that can't seem to get to the ARG and they can still help!!! I am not thinking it will be a daily chore at the rate we are going!!!!
Any questions, hit us up!!!!
And remember, Dharma still wants you, just not right now I guess. :(

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