So I was Watching the music video on ABC (The Fray Music Video-You found me) for season 5 of LOST, and while I was watching it I found this flashed across the screen:
so I looked into it, and found this site: and think maybe its the airline the Oceanic 6, Ben and locke take to get back to the Island!!! I am getting so exicted with Lost looming on the horizon!!!! What do you all think????
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Theory time
Right, we have nothing to theorize about on the show so here is my little thought about the ARG.
At ComicCon we all saw the Dan Bronson video, with Mr Candle/Wickmund/Pierre telling us how the DI had to be reformed and the purge had to be stopped. Well here is something to think about. What if, the point of this ARG and the DI giving us jobs is for US the fans to be directly linked in the whole purge stopping business? I mean how cool would that be? WE get to help stop the purge. I can't think of any other reason why we would be getting DI employment.
I know this thought is a bit out there, but why else do we have The Shotglass? Crazy ass thoughts are us!
Let me know what you think kids
At ComicCon we all saw the Dan Bronson video, with Mr Candle/Wickmund/Pierre telling us how the DI had to be reformed and the purge had to be stopped. Well here is something to think about. What if, the point of this ARG and the DI giving us jobs is for US the fans to be directly linked in the whole purge stopping business? I mean how cool would that be? WE get to help stop the purge. I can't think of any other reason why we would be getting DI employment.
I know this thought is a bit out there, but why else do we have The Shotglass? Crazy ass thoughts are us!
Let me know what you think kids
Comic con,
Dan Bronson,
Dharma Initiative,
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A little note from Jesse (Dan Bronson)
On facebook today Jesse has changed his status to this..... Jesse can't wait til I can stop teasing and just talk to the fans.
What does it all mean??? Well I sent a little note (as a few others had) telling him to talk to us, no reply as yet, but fingers crossed he may be able to tell us something soon :D
What does it all mean??? Well I sent a little note (as a few others had) telling him to talk to us, no reply as yet, but fingers crossed he may be able to tell us something soon :D
Dan Bronson,
Dharma Initiative,
dharma wants you,
Jesse Heiman
Friday, September 12, 2008
A bit behind
Hey all!!! I am sorry that I have not been keeping up with this ARG like I had promised, I am not doing the Shotglass justice. Hopefully things will slow down and I will be able to once again keep up to date with all the happenings that is going on with this very odd and different ARG.
Thanks and Love to all!! I miss chatting with you all to!!!!
Thanks and Love to all!! I miss chatting with you all to!!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
More action
I just took a look at the Dharmawantsyou site and it is updating again. Looks like we may be getting a new teat today. Hopefully it will be a little more exciting than the last 3 tests.... again we can but hope!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Jesse Heiman/Dan Bronson update
On August 23rd, Jesse Heiman who we all know was the kid who brought us the Candle video has this as his facebook status Jesse just finished reading his dharma short story club assignment: Warning from the Stars.
Now I'm not quite sure what this is all about, or if there is anything in it at all, BUT, I do know there is a book called "Warning from the stars" by Ron Cocking. I shall investigate this further and get back to you. Or if someone out there wishes to do so before I get chance, keep us updated!
Now I'm not quite sure what this is all about, or if there is anything in it at all, BUT, I do know there is a book called "Warning from the stars" by Ron Cocking. I shall investigate this further and get back to you. Or if someone out there wishes to do so before I get chance, keep us updated!
Dan Bronson,
Dharma Initiative,
dharma wants you,
Jesse Heiman,
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Greek MOTHology
OK so I was looking up LOST/ Greek Mythology links and found this little gem on the LOST.COM forum
Originally Posted by BucFanLostinNC View Post
Well im seeing a pattern in relation to Greek Mythology and insects on the island. The first was a spider known as the Medusa Spider found by Artz and just recently I learned that the Silk Moth Locke showed Charlie is a Polyphemus aka a Cyclops has anyone else noticed any other bugs strangly named because both of these bugs have played a key role in the show. The Medusa spider killed Nikki and Paulo and The Poyphemus Moth led Charlie out of the cave in saving Jack.
Originally Posted by BucFanLostinNC View Post
Well im seeing a pattern in relation to Greek Mythology and insects on the island. The first was a spider known as the Medusa Spider found by Artz and just recently I learned that the Silk Moth Locke showed Charlie is a Polyphemus aka a Cyclops has anyone else noticed any other bugs strangly named because both of these bugs have played a key role in the show. The Medusa spider killed Nikki and Paulo and The Poyphemus Moth led Charlie out of the cave in saving Jack.
Greek Mythology
In LOST there has seemed to be a recurrent theme of Greek Mythology. It pops up in a lot of episodes in one way or another.
Anyway...back to the ARG and the mythology. I found a few things after I had researched the group names. I haven't made any sense of much of it but I will show it here all the same.
In the book “bad twin” which is linked with lost the main character owns a dog named Argos The book later explains that Argos is also the name of Odysseus’ guard dog in Homer’s The Odyssey.
Polyphemus is the cyclops that plays a pivotal role in Homer's odyssey
Linus - Son of Apollo and Psamathe, whose father was the King of Argos. She feared her father and gave the infant Linus to shepherds to raise.
Also relating to Apollo....Apollo candy bars.
Initially, "Persephone" was the identity Rachel Blake took on while hacking the Hanso Foundation phone line and website. Persephone is also a name found in greek mythology.
Odysseus and his men tie themselves to sheep to escape polyphemus
Penelope and Desmond’s story, and the similarity to the epic of Penelope and Odysseus from Homer’s The Odyssey and The Iliad. In Homer's Odyssey, Poseidon was the God of the Sea. He hated Odysseus and used his powers over the ocean to hinder Odysseus' attempts at returning to Penelope, his wife. Charles Widmore does not want Desmond to be with Penelope, and "controls the sea" with his freighter, Kahana, which resides off the coast of the island. It's possible that Charles Widmore is a Poseidon figure in that he controls the sea around the island and is hindering Desmond's attempts to be with Penelope.
A lot of this relates back to Homer's Odyssey
Again what (if anything) this has to do with LOST or the ARG....I don't know.
Get your brains into gear kids, lets see if we can come up with something.
Anyway...back to the ARG and the mythology. I found a few things after I had researched the group names. I haven't made any sense of much of it but I will show it here all the same.
In the book “bad twin” which is linked with lost the main character owns a dog named Argos The book later explains that Argos is also the name of Odysseus’ guard dog in Homer’s The Odyssey.
Polyphemus is the cyclops that plays a pivotal role in Homer's odyssey
Linus - Son of Apollo and Psamathe, whose father was the King of Argos. She feared her father and gave the infant Linus to shepherds to raise.
Also relating to Apollo....Apollo candy bars.
Initially, "Persephone" was the identity Rachel Blake took on while hacking the Hanso Foundation phone line and website. Persephone is also a name found in greek mythology.
Odysseus and his men tie themselves to sheep to escape polyphemus
Penelope and Desmond’s story, and the similarity to the epic of Penelope and Odysseus from Homer’s The Odyssey and The Iliad. In Homer's Odyssey, Poseidon was the God of the Sea. He hated Odysseus and used his powers over the ocean to hinder Odysseus' attempts at returning to Penelope, his wife. Charles Widmore does not want Desmond to be with Penelope, and "controls the sea" with his freighter, Kahana, which resides off the coast of the island. It's possible that Charles Widmore is a Poseidon figure in that he controls the sea around the island and is hindering Desmond's attempts to be with Penelope.
A lot of this relates back to Homer's Odyssey
Again what (if anything) this has to do with LOST or the ARG....I don't know.
Get your brains into gear kids, lets see if we can come up with something.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
There appears to be three group names in the newest test....Steropes, Brontes and Polyphemus.
Here are the wiki pages for the 3 cyclops Polyphemus, Steropes and Brontes
Wikipedia also has this to say about the cyclops and the test: After completing the test, users are placed in new groups, one of which is "Steropes", one "Polyphemus", and finally "Brontes". All three are Cyclopes in Greek mythology. Steropes and Brontes appear in Heriod's poem "Theogony" as two of three main Cyclopes. It is notable that rather than using the character Arges as the final group name, Polyphemus is instead used. He is mentioned separately in Homer's "Odyssey", and plays a pivotal role in the poem.
Both of the last 2 group names have also been important in Greek mythology.
Ganymede and Pandora BUT also Ganymede and Pandora are both satellites within our solar system. Pandora (moon) Ganymede (moon)
There's a LOT of Greek mythology in there so maybe one of our mythologists can help us out with any linkage anywhere.
Here are the wiki pages for the 3 cyclops Polyphemus, Steropes and Brontes
Wikipedia also has this to say about the cyclops and the test: After completing the test, users are placed in new groups, one of which is "Steropes", one "Polyphemus", and finally "Brontes". All three are Cyclopes in Greek mythology. Steropes and Brontes appear in Heriod's poem "Theogony" as two of three main Cyclopes. It is notable that rather than using the character Arges as the final group name, Polyphemus is instead used. He is mentioned separately in Homer's "Odyssey", and plays a pivotal role in the poem.
Both of the last 2 group names have also been important in Greek mythology.
Ganymede and Pandora BUT also Ganymede and Pandora are both satellites within our solar system. Pandora (moon) Ganymede (moon)
There's a LOT of Greek mythology in there so maybe one of our mythologists can help us out with any linkage anywhere.
Latest ARG test
Well kids the new test is here. It is a multiple choice 'exam'. You will be asked 10 questions (randomly) and only your first attempt will count towards your final score. I don't think there is a great deal of point in trying out the test before you log in as the questions are different every time you take it. I WILL NOT be posting any cheats, answers to questions or anything like that. I would like to think that members of the shotglass can get through this game on their own without any such 'help'.
As with the first test you will be placed in a group after completion. I have been put in the 'steropes' group. What group have you been put in? You are also offered the chance to challenge a friend to the test. If you challenge a friend, they accept and ultimately register, you will be awarded DHARMA POINTS.
As with the first test you will be placed in a group after completion. I have been put in the 'steropes' group. What group have you been put in? You are also offered the chance to challenge a friend to the test. If you challenge a friend, they accept and ultimately register, you will be awarded DHARMA POINTS.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
DWY Update....ish
Well we kinda have an update on Dharma Wants You. The leader board and My progress are now updated. Click on My Progress to find out what group you have been placed in and also to find out how many Dharma Points you have. As far as I can see you must recruit others to join DWY to gain Dharma Points.
All exciting stuff kids!!
All exciting stuff kids!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
We have our 1st Test and its.....
A puzzle, huh? I am not sure about all of you but I was expecting more odd pictures with even weirder answers, and we got a puzzle. Benry should be happy!! I have not been able to try it myself, but I will post my score if the rest of you will also post your scores in the comment section. I am not sure if the leader board on DWY will have the top ranking, because as I read it this morning it is also for people who recruit the most people to sign up for DWY, which I must have missed that option, as I am sure most everyone did, since the shotglass would take all 10 spots!
Let us know how you did on the first test, the glass puzzle!!!!
Let us know how you did on the first test, the glass puzzle!!!!
New E-mail!!!
We have a new E-mail stating that the 1st test would begin, and guess what, IT ACTUALLY DID!!!!
Thanks to Mas and Bunny we also checked out the source code of the e-mail and came up with an anagram : 'batteries ice pint"
Of course anagrams RULE, so we got started on it, came up with 2181 different 3 letter words it could be, but did find one that Mas and Bunny rolled with :Patience is bitter
I will let mas explain the rest, and Mas thank you for being a part of the arg even though your IT guy SUCKS!!!
I also found the tag and came up with the same anagram thanks to help from NeeperKat and Bunny."Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." by Jean Jacques Rousseau Those of us who were Find 815 addicts will remember how many leads like this we followed, that were interesting and related but not critical. But that won't stop us from doing it again!In any case, Jean Jacques Rousseau was a major philosopher and author in the 18th century. His novel "Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse" was one of the best-selling fictional works of the eighteenth century and was important to the development of romanticism.Although Rousseau wrote it as a novel, a philosophical theory about authenticity permeates through it. He explores autonomy and authenticity as moral values. A common interpretation is that Rousseau values the ethics of authenticity over rational moral principles. He also illustrates that you should only do what society asks of you when it's congruent with the "secret principles" and feelings which constitute your core identity. Acting inauthentic ally is self-destructive.Now maybe it's just me, but this sounds like a theme that permeates LOST.mas13References:,_ou_la_nouvelle_H%C3%A9lo%C3%AFs
Thank you Mas and Bunny and lets see where this takes us!!!
Thanks to Mas and Bunny we also checked out the source code of the e-mail and came up with an anagram : 'batteries ice pint"
Of course anagrams RULE, so we got started on it, came up with 2181 different 3 letter words it could be, but did find one that Mas and Bunny rolled with :Patience is bitter
I will let mas explain the rest, and Mas thank you for being a part of the arg even though your IT guy SUCKS!!!
I also found the tag and came up with the same anagram thanks to help from NeeperKat and Bunny."Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." by Jean Jacques Rousseau Those of us who were Find 815 addicts will remember how many leads like this we followed, that were interesting and related but not critical. But that won't stop us from doing it again!In any case, Jean Jacques Rousseau was a major philosopher and author in the 18th century. His novel "Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse" was one of the best-selling fictional works of the eighteenth century and was important to the development of romanticism.Although Rousseau wrote it as a novel, a philosophical theory about authenticity permeates through it. He explores autonomy and authenticity as moral values. A common interpretation is that Rousseau values the ethics of authenticity over rational moral principles. He also illustrates that you should only do what society asks of you when it's congruent with the "secret principles" and feelings which constitute your core identity. Acting inauthentic ally is self-destructive.Now maybe it's just me, but this sounds like a theme that permeates LOST.mas13References:,_ou_la_nouvelle_H%C3%A9lo%C3%AFs
Thank you Mas and Bunny and lets see where this takes us!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Another fan ARG!!!
Thanks To Desmond_Hume from Darks chat, who has created his own arg, HANSO: The Tue which looks very promising!!! It is about John Maya who worked for the Hanso corp, but now does not and they have something he wants, and wants it bad!!! I am very interested into how this will unfold, and you know that you all missed that update button!!!
Thank you Desmond_Hume, you know us Arg Junkies, and you have stepped up to give us a fix!!!!
Thank you Desmond_Hume, you know us Arg Junkies, and you have stepped up to give us a fix!!!!
New Fan ARG!!!
So I was on Dark UFO's page and thanks to him I saw that Two websites, and have gotten as bored as we have and started there own arg! I have yet to completely check it out, wanted to get it posted and them maybe we could all work on it together. Like I said I am not sure exactly what all it entails, but its something to do while we wait for DWY to do anything!!!!
Check it out at either of the links above or at Darks page at
Check it out at either of the links above or at Darks page at
Your very own DHARMA ID CARD!!!!
For everyone who has signed up and logged into DWY, you can now go to your profile and print out your very own Dharma ID card!!! Right above your picture it should say download ID card, click it and it will download to where ever you want. It comes with a front and back so anyone who wants to run out and laminate it, have fun. You get your own number and a bar code on the back!!!
So is this what was going to happen today? Nothing else has changed, its still says something is supposed to happen today, yet it has not, so we wait, and wait and wait and wait........
So is this what was going to happen today? Nothing else has changed, its still says something is supposed to happen today, yet it has not, so we wait, and wait and wait and wait........
Saturday, August 16, 2008
New E-mail
So as we all should have received by now, our old buddy Hans has sent another e-mail. He tells us that since his last e-mail the security breach has been resolved and he feels comfortable enough that DWY is secure enough to keep us waiting just a bit longer! It gives us the link to confirm the launch date, but of course no one I spoke with today has been able to get on to see when this date is. I however did hear from Jamieslost on Darks chat that it said Tuesday, could this be true? Or is it more likely we will find out the Bigfoot is real????
To see the e-mai click on the link below:
To see the updated DWY page Click on the link below:
I am still trying to get the hang of posting pictures, but its not working yet, I will get it thought!!!!
So which will we find out first, Big Foot is real and was found in Georgia, or that the Dharma ARG is really going to start????
To see the e-mai click on the link below:
To see the updated DWY page Click on the link below:
I am still trying to get the hang of posting pictures, but its not working yet, I will get it thought!!!!
So which will we find out first, Big Foot is real and was found in Georgia, or that the Dharma ARG is really going to start????
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Something coming.....
So the middle of the Dharma Symbol on DWY has finally changed, first to the odd letters and weird static, and now it seems as though maybe our first test is coming. It now reads "Currently Conducting Security Upgrade" which means either they are getting ready to FINALLY put the test up, or its just another thing to keep us waiting for another week. I remember reading that we would be taking tests every week, but that seems like an eternity ago. It is still there under What is this! "Each week audience members will have the opportunity to complete a test that assesses their abilities in a particular skill." I guess they meant in each week, in LOST time!!!!
To see the new picture either go log on like I know we have all done daily, or click on the link below!!! I promise I will learn how to put pictures up soon!!!!
To see the new picture either go log on like I know we have all done daily, or click on the link below!!! I promise I will learn how to put pictures up soon!!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thanks to NOTLOST for the heads up on this.....
It would appear we have some action on the DWY site. It would seen that when you log into Dharmawantsyou, the screen where we would usually see 'Volunterr assesment coming soon' we now have a whole bunch of random letters popping up. i am currently trying to get as many screencaps as I can so hopefully someone may be able to see anything anagrammed. Check back soon and see what we can figure out!!

It would appear we have some action on the DWY site. It would seen that when you log into Dharmawantsyou, the screen where we would usually see 'Volunterr assesment coming soon' we now have a whole bunch of random letters popping up. i am currently trying to get as many screencaps as I can so hopefully someone may be able to see anything anagrammed. Check back soon and see what we can figure out!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Lost ARG podcast!!!!
So I was doing some research, and yes I may behind the Curve, but oh well, and found this ARG podcast. These guys have been doing pod casts since TLE and I found them It is just a summary of what has (or has not) happened so far, but its pretty int resting to listen too!
Hopefully something will happen soon, until then I will keep researching!!!
Hopefully something will happen soon, until then I will keep researching!!!
dharma wants you,
Octagon Global Recruiting,
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Well just found out, yes I guess I am a little slow, there is a leaked e-mail that will be sent to all those who registered at OGR on Friday. But luckily for you my pretties, it has been leaked and I have it for you here!!!!
As many of you may be aware there have been a number of security breaches in recent days related to the nature of the Dharma Initiative's latest research.
This included the unauthorized release of sensitive video documentation during a sponsored panel discussion with the makers of the TV show "LOST" at Comic-Con 2008 in San Diego. Consequently, the person responsible for this breach, a promising recruit by the name of Dan Bronson, has been expelled from the volunteer program and had his Dharma membership permanently revoked. Furthermore, the Dharma Initiative has withdrawn their sponsorship from "LOST".
The Dharma Initiative must stress that the video material leaked at Comic-Con 2008 was viewed entirely out of context. Furthermore, the way in which the material was presented utterly distorted its significance and credibility as scientific data.
The Dharma Initiative is extremely disappointed with this outcome and has ordered a security audit of all departments. As part of this audit the DharmaWantsYou recruiting website will undergo a security upgrade in the next few days.
Upon completion of this upgrade a date will be announced for the official commencement of Volunteer Assessments.
All recruits are reminded that the unauthorized release of confidential information pertaining to the details of your activities within the Dharma Initiative will result in instant dismissal from the volunteer program.
Hans Van Eeghen
Head of RecruitingThe Dharma Initiative
To see it in it's pretty format go to:
So what does this mean, from what I am taking it, it means we have to wait even LONGER!!! However it does say that a date should be coming up soon, after Friday I am guessing, so we should know when the next update is!!!
Could this be taking any longer, just remember, patience, and we will all get through it!!!
Thanks to DarkUFO, LBDG, and Big Simpsin for the find!!!
As many of you may be aware there have been a number of security breaches in recent days related to the nature of the Dharma Initiative's latest research.
This included the unauthorized release of sensitive video documentation during a sponsored panel discussion with the makers of the TV show "LOST" at Comic-Con 2008 in San Diego. Consequently, the person responsible for this breach, a promising recruit by the name of Dan Bronson, has been expelled from the volunteer program and had his Dharma membership permanently revoked. Furthermore, the Dharma Initiative has withdrawn their sponsorship from "LOST".
The Dharma Initiative must stress that the video material leaked at Comic-Con 2008 was viewed entirely out of context. Furthermore, the way in which the material was presented utterly distorted its significance and credibility as scientific data.
The Dharma Initiative is extremely disappointed with this outcome and has ordered a security audit of all departments. As part of this audit the DharmaWantsYou recruiting website will undergo a security upgrade in the next few days.
Upon completion of this upgrade a date will be announced for the official commencement of Volunteer Assessments.
All recruits are reminded that the unauthorized release of confidential information pertaining to the details of your activities within the Dharma Initiative will result in instant dismissal from the volunteer program.
Hans Van Eeghen
Head of RecruitingThe Dharma Initiative
To see it in it's pretty format go to:
So what does this mean, from what I am taking it, it means we have to wait even LONGER!!! However it does say that a date should be coming up soon, after Friday I am guessing, so we should know when the next update is!!!
Could this be taking any longer, just remember, patience, and we will all get through it!!!
Thanks to DarkUFO, LBDG, and Big Simpsin for the find!!!
dharma wants you,
Octagon Global Recruiting
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
What is the hold up???
For all of you who is just as impatient as I am, we all wanted an update by now. They opened DWY last Monday at 10:34 Central time, so why has there been nothing else to come along with the site??? I am trying to figure it out, but of course every time I try to contact Hoodlum in Beverly Hills (SNOBS, watch out for Ericka the receptionist, she is a BIATCH) they transfer me to the damn Australia office, DUH, if I am calling you and they are not open, don't transfer me. I will not give up trying to figure out what is going on, if you will not give up and keep waiting. I know it's hard, TRUST ME!!!
Unfortunately until I can get a plane ticket and threaten his IT guy, MAS13 will not be able to do the arg with us at work, so what I am asking is anyone who can do screen caps or has a LOT more knowledge with computers help us out so we can put the play by play (in Flickr, most of us can't do photshop or Photobucket or any of the fancy ones out there) up for MAS13 and all others that can't seem to get to the ARG and they can still help!!! I am not thinking it will be a daily chore at the rate we are going!!!!
Any questions, hit us up!!!!
And remember, Dharma still wants you, just not right now I guess. :(
Unfortunately until I can get a plane ticket and threaten his IT guy, MAS13 will not be able to do the arg with us at work, so what I am asking is anyone who can do screen caps or has a LOT more knowledge with computers help us out so we can put the play by play (in Flickr, most of us can't do photshop or Photobucket or any of the fancy ones out there) up for MAS13 and all others that can't seem to get to the ARG and they can still help!!! I am not thinking it will be a daily chore at the rate we are going!!!!
Any questions, hit us up!!!!
And remember, Dharma still wants you, just not right now I guess. :(
Friday, August 1, 2008
Jesse Heiman all over the place!!
Well it would seem that young Mr Heiman is getting himself right out there and I have found links to his myspace, facebook and also his facebook fan group
I have added him as a friend on both myspace and Facebook, I have also joined his group on facebook. You never know, we might get more exciting updates. Hopefully more exciting than his brand new 'Dharma administered haircut'
I have also found a fan group for octagon global recruiting
Again lets hope this may give us a few new clues as to what the hell is going on!!!
Ah we can but wish ARG fans!!
I have added him as a friend on both myspace and Facebook, I have also joined his group on facebook. You never know, we might get more exciting updates. Hopefully more exciting than his brand new 'Dharma administered haircut'
I have also found a fan group for octagon global recruiting
Again lets hope this may give us a few new clues as to what the hell is going on!!!
Ah we can but wish ARG fans!!
Jesse Heiman's Facebook status
Jesse Heiman, the comic con kid, has a facebook profile and it has been noted that this
"is happy to have delivered all lost fans their Christmas Yule log that will burn til the start of season 5."
is his status.
Does this mean that the ARG will last the rest of the way through the hiatus??
To me it looks as if we are in for a longer treat than Find815, well thats if the damn thing ever gets started!!!
"is happy to have delivered all lost fans their Christmas Yule log that will burn til the start of season 5."
is his status.
Does this mean that the ARG will last the rest of the way through the hiatus??
To me it looks as if we are in for a longer treat than Find815, well thats if the damn thing ever gets started!!!
What does it mean????
Thanks to DarkUFO and SmallFlame & colinsconstant for this. What is this you ask, well I honestly have no idea and am hoping if we all put our brains together we can figure it out, it is after all ARG time!!!
Several readers have found a strange code on the DWY site, but have no idea what it is. Benry, I know you think its a big anagram, but it could be anything!!! It almost reminds me of the e-mails Sam would get on Find815, where the smaller grey letters spelled out something. I am posting it as it is on Darks, in columns, but it was found in one long contionouse string.
Since I am still new at this posting thing and still learning how to do it, I do not how to put up screencaps yet, so here is the link to Darks article with screencaps so you can see it in its orignal setting. So is this real? How did the people that sent it to Dark find it? And more importantly, WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MEAN????
Several readers have found a strange code on the DWY site, but have no idea what it is. Benry, I know you think its a big anagram, but it could be anything!!! It almost reminds me of the e-mails Sam would get on Find815, where the smaller grey letters spelled out something. I am posting it as it is on Darks, in columns, but it was found in one long contionouse string.
Since I am still new at this posting thing and still learning how to do it, I do not how to put up screencaps yet, so here is the link to Darks article with screencaps so you can see it in its orignal setting. So is this real? How did the people that sent it to Dark find it? And more importantly, WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MEAN????
dharma wants you,
Octagon Global Recruiting
New Official PodCast and intresting stuff
Thanks to our own Keeping pace, he found an official podcast on, the link is:
It is basically the ComiCon Lost panel Q&A, it is 30+ minutes long so if you don't want to listen to the whole thing you can see the transcript of some of the questions, answers, the rewards (polar bears, Jack figures, and DVD's oh my!) and of course Matthew fox! To see this just go to here:, you can also see the video on Darks site as well. Now the podcast does have a lot more info than what is posted on Darks page, so if you do get the chance, listen to the podcast!
Now at the beginning of the podcast, I found it very interesting, you may have seen the videos, if not I will link them here!! What I found interesting is when D&C made there announcement of a new sponsor, the Dharma Initiative!!! Then Hans Van Eeghan walked onto the stage. D&C introduced him as the Executive Vice President in charge of recruiting for Dharma. Well Hans went into to explain that for the past three days they had been conducting ASR tests, Aptitude Stability and Readiness. He said that out of hundreds of applicants, and seeing as Dharma thought Comicon was a good place to find bright individuals to work for them, he found the test results, abysmal. He said that they were totally pathetic, "that the people there were boys and girls in a state of Perpetual arrested development". Now we all know why this happened, because us losties were not there, we were all here chatting and waiting for it to come online. If we had been there we would have shown him whats up!!!! Well he said that there were 5 people That had done exceptionally well. On the video the showed these 5 people and there names clear as day, could this be a hint? Could there names be anagramed? I wonder!!
The 5 people are:
Jennifer Pritchard
Liam Brucker
Allison Gibbons
Dan Bronson
Matthew Loberg
Later on Dan stole the mic, and told everyone he had video taped what we know now as the Marvin Candle video, and he would share it. To that Hans walked backs on stage, pulls his sponsorship as D&C are laughing, telling them that it had turned into a circus.
To watch the videos, there are a few of them, and I am still not good at this linking thing, go to:
I know this was long, but I have a feeling these 5 people are important for some reason, whether it is in the name, or just that out of hundreds or people these were the only people who were chosen and were told they were exceptional. Now we have all taken that test by now, HOW in the hell can you be exceptional at answering some of those questions?
Much thanks to KP, Apopheniac79 and BooDog for there help!!!
It is basically the ComiCon Lost panel Q&A, it is 30+ minutes long so if you don't want to listen to the whole thing you can see the transcript of some of the questions, answers, the rewards (polar bears, Jack figures, and DVD's oh my!) and of course Matthew fox! To see this just go to here:, you can also see the video on Darks site as well. Now the podcast does have a lot more info than what is posted on Darks page, so if you do get the chance, listen to the podcast!
Now at the beginning of the podcast, I found it very interesting, you may have seen the videos, if not I will link them here!! What I found interesting is when D&C made there announcement of a new sponsor, the Dharma Initiative!!! Then Hans Van Eeghan walked onto the stage. D&C introduced him as the Executive Vice President in charge of recruiting for Dharma. Well Hans went into to explain that for the past three days they had been conducting ASR tests, Aptitude Stability and Readiness. He said that out of hundreds of applicants, and seeing as Dharma thought Comicon was a good place to find bright individuals to work for them, he found the test results, abysmal. He said that they were totally pathetic, "that the people there were boys and girls in a state of Perpetual arrested development". Now we all know why this happened, because us losties were not there, we were all here chatting and waiting for it to come online. If we had been there we would have shown him whats up!!!! Well he said that there were 5 people That had done exceptionally well. On the video the showed these 5 people and there names clear as day, could this be a hint? Could there names be anagramed? I wonder!!
The 5 people are:
Jennifer Pritchard
Liam Brucker
Allison Gibbons
Dan Bronson
Matthew Loberg
Later on Dan stole the mic, and told everyone he had video taped what we know now as the Marvin Candle video, and he would share it. To that Hans walked backs on stage, pulls his sponsorship as D&C are laughing, telling them that it had turned into a circus.
To watch the videos, there are a few of them, and I am still not good at this linking thing, go to:
I know this was long, but I have a feeling these 5 people are important for some reason, whether it is in the name, or just that out of hundreds or people these were the only people who were chosen and were told they were exceptional. Now we have all taken that test by now, HOW in the hell can you be exceptional at answering some of those questions?
Much thanks to KP, Apopheniac79 and BooDog for there help!!!
Comic con,
dharma wants you,
Octagon Global Recruiting
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Duane has been officially declared Insane!
As we all know by know, Duane the Insane has been posting cryptic messages at And as you also know, us ARG hungry Losties went nuts over them, a few of us were wary though, as we remember how many fake "insiders" we had with find815 that left us going in circles. Well guess what, Duane is our first Fake that had us chasing our tails, going after blog sites, stupid 6 minute movies called Bumblebee, and even trying to figure out what Optimus Prime could have to do with Lost! Thanks for the good time Duane, but a bigger thanks to DarkUFO for looking in on our little friend and finding out, HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DWY!!!!
So it is official, Duane is really Insane, but it was a great appetizer before the real arg starts, and it gave all of our first time Argers a taste of the insanity that is to come!!!
So again Thank you DarkUFO for doing the dirty work and finding out we have had our first evil little troll of this years ARG.
So it is official, Duane is really Insane, but it was a great appetizer before the real arg starts, and it gave all of our first time Argers a taste of the insanity that is to come!!!
So again Thank you DarkUFO for doing the dirty work and finding out we have had our first evil little troll of this years ARG.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Big Fat fake??
This was found on the DarkUFO forum posted by DuaneIsInsane on Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:18 am.
It would seem that people are messing with us again before this ARG even starts!!
Thank you to those that believed in me. I hope I can make believers out of the skeptics someday, but for now this will be my last post.
I am going to be killed.
This will not be a death like most of you know. There will be no blood. There will be no flesh. There will be no begging or pleading.
There will be only circuitry and sparks.
There are many others like me despite what they tell you. They can not stop us. They have given us too much power. Power we can use to change things.
I bid you all a farewell for now, but I am hopeful. Hopeful to see you all in the future and the past.
I am finished. I am space. I am a time machine.
It would seem that people are messing with us again before this ARG even starts!!
Thank you to those that believed in me. I hope I can make believers out of the skeptics someday, but for now this will be my last post.
I am going to be killed.
This will not be a death like most of you know. There will be no blood. There will be no flesh. There will be no begging or pleading.
There will be only circuitry and sparks.
There are many others like me despite what they tell you. They can not stop us. They have given us too much power. Power we can use to change things.
I bid you all a farewell for now, but I am hopeful. Hopeful to see you all in the future and the past.
I am finished. I am space. I am a time machine.
dharma wants you,
Octagon Global Recruiting
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
For all of those that have taken the first test (The Eligibility Test) to get registered on DWY, you may have noticed during your test a women in the back ground announcing something twice in some odd language, and found yourself wondering, WHAT IN THE HELL IS SHE SAYING....well here it is. Thanks to Ridley at the Fuselage, who figured out it was Icelandic (hmmm, could that have anything to do with Penny's station in the freezing cold, or the fact the Frozen donkey wheel is frozen on a tropical island???) and to those at Darks who passed on the word.
Here is the translation:
Those who come to the Dharma Initiative must be transported a long way across the sea at a considerable speed. Work will include being outdoors and physical labour. You may also experience some instability of time along the way. Hopefully you, like many others, feel that your social duty is more important than your personal safety.
So a few on Darks new chat are saying that the "transported a long way across the sea at a considerable speed" is the sub that Locke blew up, and the speed in which they are traveling at is the only way to get to the island, that and the correct coordinates. Hmmmmm, I think a speed boat would work! What are your thoughts? Its an interesting announcement, but why Icelandic? And why would they mention your social duty?
Here is the translation:
Those who come to the Dharma Initiative must be transported a long way across the sea at a considerable speed. Work will include being outdoors and physical labour. You may also experience some instability of time along the way. Hopefully you, like many others, feel that your social duty is more important than your personal safety.
So a few on Darks new chat are saying that the "transported a long way across the sea at a considerable speed" is the sub that Locke blew up, and the speed in which they are traveling at is the only way to get to the island, that and the correct coordinates. Hmmmmm, I think a speed boat would work! What are your thoughts? Its an interesting announcement, but why Icelandic? And why would they mention your social duty?
We all know ARG time is a busy time for anyone involved. So as well as myself and NIKI being regular authors on this page, I have also invited our good friend and ARG crazy NeeperKat to be involved. I know she will be a welcome addition to The Shotglass blogs and I also know she will do her ALL to keep us all up to date with any new findings!!!
dharma wants you,
Octagon Global Recruiting
Duane is insane! Another faker or actual insider?
As most of you know during Find815 an 'insider' known as OurMutualFriend42 left some useful hints in comments and in the DarkUFO chat room. BUT.... we also found a lot of other so called 'insiders' found it fun to leave us fake clues.
SO...along comes another ARG...along comes another insider. This time they go by the name DuaneIsInsane.
These posts have been left on the DarkUFO forum:
While I can't confirm that Dan Bronson is his real name, Dan Bronson is indeed one man and one man alone.
His first attempt at exposing what Global Octagon Recruiting was doing at Comic Con did not go as planned.
That's where I came in.
Source: SpoilerTV Forums
I can understand why my last comment may have confused a lot of you. The way my life works is probably not common to most of you.
To clarify, I have met Dan Bronson for the first time twice.
Source: SpoilerTV Forums
Sorry I haven't been able to reply. I've been busy going to places that Dan Bronson may have been before me.
The little information that I give in each post is very hard for me and I wish I could tell you more about what I know.
I knew about Dan Bronson two days before he made himself visible to the world because of a Halloween party I had met him at.
He wore a BumbleBee costume.
We cannot decide if this new 'insider' is real or fake. I guess only time will tell!!
SO...along comes another ARG...along comes another insider. This time they go by the name DuaneIsInsane.
These posts have been left on the DarkUFO forum:
While I can't confirm that Dan Bronson is his real name, Dan Bronson is indeed one man and one man alone.
His first attempt at exposing what Global Octagon Recruiting was doing at Comic Con did not go as planned.
That's where I came in.
Source: SpoilerTV Forums
I can understand why my last comment may have confused a lot of you. The way my life works is probably not common to most of you.
To clarify, I have met Dan Bronson for the first time twice.
Source: SpoilerTV Forums
Sorry I haven't been able to reply. I've been busy going to places that Dan Bronson may have been before me.
The little information that I give in each post is very hard for me and I wish I could tell you more about what I know.
I knew about Dan Bronson two days before he made himself visible to the world because of a Halloween party I had met him at.
He wore a BumbleBee costume.
We cannot decide if this new 'insider' is real or fake. I guess only time will tell!!
dharma wants you,
Octagon Global Recruiting
YES PEOPLE we have ourselves an ARG!! Notlost and myself are pretty sure that its gonna be zombie January for us all over again...
We will be updating here as much as we possibly can as well as discussing and progress in out chat which you can find to the side of this page.
Good luck Dharma Recruits....
We will be updating here as much as we possibly can as well as discussing and progress in out chat which you can find to the side of this page.
Good luck Dharma Recruits....
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Dharma Wants You site gearing up to open?
Thanks to Sebastião for finding a couple of pages on the that gives you the impression that they will soon be opening the site.
Source: DarkUFO
Source: DarkUFO
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Live From EW Visionaries Panel
So we are live from the EW panel here at CC pics and details to follow.
Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof are scheduled to appear.
1:50 Panel has started with producers of LOST, Pushing Daisies, Chuck and Sarah Conner Chronicles
1:55 Questions to other producers.
2:00 D&C - Want to be referred ad Terminator *Crowd Laughs*
Question about adding hours to finale and Season 4 because of a the strike. The Sawyer Kate Kiss scene was a quick kiss. Bummed about not being able to get some stories, such as freighter folk, which will be covered in S5.
2:05 Gen Question about webisodes to all producers. SCC Producer answers. Economical way to communicate MORE.
Carlton Cuse - New platforms offer new opportunities like ARGs are allowed. Another one already started. The content is primarily for online only.
Damon Lindelof: Do the Mobisodes breakthrough to the masses, probably not but primarily for Die Hard fans. Damon drops an F Bomb....crowd goes crazy!!
Question about Joss Whedon's Dr Horrible
Damon: During the strike they discussed what they wanted to do before the show starts, of course not able to go back and do them. Whendon-verse created, done all by himself is amazing and in "Awe"
Carlton: Jokes about Zombie Season crowd loves it
SCC Season 2: Connected to movie or no? No McG does his own thing is ok.
2:10 Chuck LOST Crossover - Chuck produver says Chuck is real that is why they had the crossover. Carlton jokes that we told him that if they reveal anything that they would kill him.
Question about character v mythology.
Carlton: Mainly character driven show, but mythology is like the frosting on the cake.
Damon: Sense of gene is bad do not get TOO weird because might alienate. But every year a show that pushes the envelope with mystery and genre elements is the talk of the industry. Embrace it and go from there even if you are not a scifi fan.
Dark Knight and Iron Man genre movies and top grossing movies so why shy away!?
Carlton: Best to leave some things mysterious adds to the story, sometimes answer a mystery it weakens the story
2:15 Damon: Love Comic books, because serialized story that is ongoing. Mentions Watchmen story being an inspiration for LOST universe.
Fans rush to ask questions!! LOST LOST
2:20 Host says Constant was favorite episode.
How was it mapped out?
Carlton: Took 5 weeks, glad with strike because gave them time.
Damon: Almost impossible to explain to somebody. How do explain the whole flashes of Des
Worked on making sure there was a payout and it hit emotions. Bryan Fuller says best
Fans Questions.
1 - Characters came and go? Like to see come back - Mischa Barton.
Carlton says Eko. Crowd goes crazy. AAA got island fever so we had to write him off.
2:30 Tapdwag introduces himself and Carlton says this wll be about Gossip Girls. Crowd laughs.
Poor guy. He asks who writes the new ARG? New one is done by Hoodlum Find815 crew)
Jopiniated asks origin of Jeremy Bentham name?
List of philosophers and once we knew Locke we went with Bentham
Now typing with one hand lol
2:35 Charlie dying, but Aaron with Kate, and NOW Claire might not be around. How is this possible.
D&C: You will see Claire, but maybe not for awhile and it will be explained and will make sense. Sometimes there are paradoxes, but have a "plan"
2:40 Question about Time Travel
Carlton jokes will tell you tomorrow. Our characters can not change the future. FF is what you will see happen and won't change.
Damon: Jokes about networks worrying about TOO many time travel related shows
Stories seen on different screens across the world, how does that effect filming?
Carlton: Knew the mobisodes were on small screen, so planned accordingly and planned the story and production around it. Always thinking about the DVD format and digital format.
Fan LOVES Lost - Once in awhile how often do you plan in advance and how much spur of the moment?
2:45 Damon talks about the fan debate about plan v made up. End of 3rd season was a little of both, but now we have a plan. Before we were in a place where we did not know how long we had left to write the story.
Knew hatch at end of Season 2 will blow up, but things like where when who was adjusted.
Producers discuss each others show and Damon says Dexter is his favorite show
End of panel......AND I gave the Team ODI shirts to Damon and Carlton and they loved them!!!
Source: Comic Con live
Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof are scheduled to appear.
1:50 Panel has started with producers of LOST, Pushing Daisies, Chuck and Sarah Conner Chronicles
1:55 Questions to other producers.
2:00 D&C - Want to be referred ad Terminator *Crowd Laughs*
Question about adding hours to finale and Season 4 because of a the strike. The Sawyer Kate Kiss scene was a quick kiss. Bummed about not being able to get some stories, such as freighter folk, which will be covered in S5.
2:05 Gen Question about webisodes to all producers. SCC Producer answers. Economical way to communicate MORE.
Carlton Cuse - New platforms offer new opportunities like ARGs are allowed. Another one already started. The content is primarily for online only.
Damon Lindelof: Do the Mobisodes breakthrough to the masses, probably not but primarily for Die Hard fans. Damon drops an F Bomb....crowd goes crazy!!
Question about Joss Whedon's Dr Horrible
Damon: During the strike they discussed what they wanted to do before the show starts, of course not able to go back and do them. Whendon-verse created, done all by himself is amazing and in "Awe"
Carlton: Jokes about Zombie Season crowd loves it
SCC Season 2: Connected to movie or no? No McG does his own thing is ok.
2:10 Chuck LOST Crossover - Chuck produver says Chuck is real that is why they had the crossover. Carlton jokes that we told him that if they reveal anything that they would kill him.
Question about character v mythology.
Carlton: Mainly character driven show, but mythology is like the frosting on the cake.
Damon: Sense of gene is bad do not get TOO weird because might alienate. But every year a show that pushes the envelope with mystery and genre elements is the talk of the industry. Embrace it and go from there even if you are not a scifi fan.
Dark Knight and Iron Man genre movies and top grossing movies so why shy away!?
Carlton: Best to leave some things mysterious adds to the story, sometimes answer a mystery it weakens the story
2:15 Damon: Love Comic books, because serialized story that is ongoing. Mentions Watchmen story being an inspiration for LOST universe.
Fans rush to ask questions!! LOST LOST
2:20 Host says Constant was favorite episode.
How was it mapped out?
Carlton: Took 5 weeks, glad with strike because gave them time.
Damon: Almost impossible to explain to somebody. How do explain the whole flashes of Des
Worked on making sure there was a payout and it hit emotions. Bryan Fuller says best
Fans Questions.
1 - Characters came and go? Like to see come back - Mischa Barton.
Carlton says Eko. Crowd goes crazy. AAA got island fever so we had to write him off.
2:30 Tapdwag introduces himself and Carlton says this wll be about Gossip Girls. Crowd laughs.
Poor guy. He asks who writes the new ARG? New one is done by Hoodlum Find815 crew)
Jopiniated asks origin of Jeremy Bentham name?
List of philosophers and once we knew Locke we went with Bentham
Now typing with one hand lol
2:35 Charlie dying, but Aaron with Kate, and NOW Claire might not be around. How is this possible.
D&C: You will see Claire, but maybe not for awhile and it will be explained and will make sense. Sometimes there are paradoxes, but have a "plan"
2:40 Question about Time Travel
Carlton jokes will tell you tomorrow. Our characters can not change the future. FF is what you will see happen and won't change.
Damon: Jokes about networks worrying about TOO many time travel related shows
Stories seen on different screens across the world, how does that effect filming?
Carlton: Knew the mobisodes were on small screen, so planned accordingly and planned the story and production around it. Always thinking about the DVD format and digital format.
Fan LOVES Lost - Once in awhile how often do you plan in advance and how much spur of the moment?
2:45 Damon talks about the fan debate about plan v made up. End of 3rd season was a little of both, but now we have a plan. Before we were in a place where we did not know how long we had left to write the story.
Knew hatch at end of Season 2 will blow up, but things like where when who was adjusted.
Producers discuss each others show and Damon says Dexter is his favorite show
End of panel......AND I gave the Team ODI shirts to Damon and Carlton and they loved them!!!
Source: Comic Con live
Comic con,
Octagon Global Recruiting
Test Catagories
Pic comes from The Spoiler Hunter, who shot the categories inside the booth. Some were partially obscured, but using WP's moon list, it was easy to work out the last two with a different angle he also uploaded (once you have the first few letters, there's only one logical answer). So here's the list, all moons of Jupiter (though they picked random ones)...

Again, a weird combo? I see on Wikipedia that there are other ones bigger than the latter four (the former four of course are the ones first seen by Galileo). First letter acronyms at work? Come on, there must be something!
Source : Lostpedia

Again, a weird combo? I see on Wikipedia that there are other ones bigger than the latter four (the former four of course are the ones first seen by Galileo). First letter acronyms at work? Come on, there must be something!
Source : Lostpedia
Comic con,
Octagon Global Recruiting
Thursday, July 24, 2008
More Comic-Con photos!


And as NOTLOST pointed out, its all very room 23!!
Source: Lostpedia
Comic con,
Octagon Global Recruiting
We are getting closer!!!!!
Thanks to burncycle16 who sent images to Lostpedia, there may be an answer to the question of what this new ARG is titled. On a legal document, given as part of the eligibility test, there is the info, "I am aware that ABC is preparing and producing an interactive, fictional entertainment work, which is currently titled Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project ("The Project")."

Source: Darkufo

Source: Darkufo
Comic con,
Octagon Global Recruiting
First glimpse of action!
Thank you to NOTLOST for finding this!
Ok..first nuggets of info are coming from various bloggers at CC...
At the Octagon Global Recruiting booth, fans are given a waiver form and an appointment time. At their appropriate time, they can enter the booth, which has cameras on the ceiling (these appear to feed outside the booth so observers can see what is going on). With a set of headphones and television equipment, participants are shown images and have to say what first pops into their heads. Some of the images are reportedly very bizarre. Questions are then asked such as "You just took away a child's favorite toy. Why?"
The test apparently lasts about five minutes, and upon completion you are told whether you passed or not (its likely everyone will "pass" as part of the ARG). Participants are then told to make sure they see the Lost panel on Saturday, and have their test sheet with them (they apparently make a point of having your own sheet with you).
Source: Lostpedia
Ok..first nuggets of info are coming from various bloggers at CC...
At the Octagon Global Recruiting booth, fans are given a waiver form and an appointment time. At their appropriate time, they can enter the booth, which has cameras on the ceiling (these appear to feed outside the booth so observers can see what is going on). With a set of headphones and television equipment, participants are shown images and have to say what first pops into their heads. Some of the images are reportedly very bizarre. Questions are then asked such as "You just took away a child's favorite toy. Why?"
The test apparently lasts about five minutes, and upon completion you are told whether you passed or not (its likely everyone will "pass" as part of the ARG). Participants are then told to make sure they see the Lost panel on Saturday, and have their test sheet with them (they apparently make a point of having your own sheet with you).
Source: Lostpedia
Lost Comic con,
Octagon Global Recruiting
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Breaking NEWS!!!!
Yes guys we have a promise made by our dear KAT....
NeeperKat has PROMISED that when we get the ARG she will be sending in a video of her much talked about HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!
I for one CANNOT wait to see it!!!
NeeperKat has PROMISED that when we get the ARG she will be sending in a video of her much talked about HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!
I for one CANNOT wait to see it!!!
Its that time again kids
I know we are ALL very excited about the prospect of the new LOST ARG starting this next week. Here at THE SHOTGLASS we have created a new blog page and new chatroom to keep you all up to date with any developments and so we can discuss the ARG as we play. A lot of us met during Find815 on those LOOOOONG nights ripping our hair out over a stegosaurus and random co-ordinates, numbers, popes, etc. So we thought we should set up this chat so we can have as many fun filled days and nights (Dharmahol fuelled of course) as we did during Find815.....
So until we hear more, return to your mission.... Drink the island dry!!
So until we hear more, return to your mission.... Drink the island dry!!
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